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Let's keep in touch as we ascend!

Journey Journal Spiritual Ascension Journal

Thank You for Stopping By!

Here are some *freebies* that will

hopefully support you on your journey <3

(yes, they're free!)

Let's be friends where you hang out!

(make sure to connect with both YouTube channels)

@SeedSoilWater on YouTube

Personal Development & Life Redesign Content

Insight from a Biblical Foundation informed by

Quantum Physics with fresh insight from Spirit.

Mind Retreat Mental Shift Life Transoformation Life Makeover Meindset Rejuvenation

SeedSoilWater is a Proud Partner & Supporter of the Path Of Bliss Football Academy

Want to stay in touch & hear the latest from SeedSoilWater Collective?

We promise we won't spam you with junk mail.

Mind Retreat Life Makeover SeedSoilWater Spa Mindset Motivation Mental Rejuvenation Mental Health Mental Wholeness Mindset rejuvenation mindset restoration mental reset

Reprogram your mind by uprooting the weeds of the

past and planting the seeds of your dream future.

Create a future you love by tending to the garden of your mind.

Invest in your entire life with the life-changing

Mindset Rejuvenation Collection

creative product coach, small business coach, new product creation coach


Are you ready to finally bring your idea to reality?

Does it seem like you run up to the line,

but never actually cross it?

There may be a few things holding you back -

Maybe subconscious fear of failure -

Or worse yet subconscious fear of success -

Or just straight up fear of being seen -

Or fear of the unknown -

Sometimes we crave familiarity and

will subconsciously select it over the unknown,

even if familiarity is POVERTY, MISERY, or ABUSE.

(Make it stoppp, amIright?!)

I’m so glad you’re here because I have

creations that bring together the

Subconscious Management you need

(YouTube Channels @SeedSoilWater &

@SeedSoilWaterSpa, &

the Mind Rejuvenation Collection product)

in active partnership with the

practical & actionable roadmap

to take real daily action (Self-Mastery Bundle)

and then I will partner with you

to turn your idea into a

stream of passive income (Dream-Ally).

Let’s do thisss!

I started at net-negative - my credit was destroyed

because of a poisonous partnership

I was solo-momming with a toddler and a little baby -

my options were to stay down or to get up -

I was able to turn my entire life around

with tenacity, commitment, envisioning

and some solid scripting.

You can too.

Step 1. Subscribe to the SeedSoilWater YouTube channels,

Step 2. follow SeedSoilWaterToday on Instagram

Step 3. Select what's your next right step

(I suggest the Self-Mastery Bundle

- I designed it to be a starting point.)

At the very least, complete the form below to stay in the loop!

Stick close to the team.

We can create a new beginning

for you just like I did for me.

Please do not waste another moment settling

for familiar when you were purposed for greatness. 🙏

Don’t take yourself so seriously -

you’re not that special - or you are -

however you want to look at it,

because we are all created equally -

BUT what we choose to do with our time

is what will set us apart &

ultimately create our life⏰

It’s You vs. You in this thang💥

Rise above the you of yesteryear and level up this season. 💪

I’m here to walk it out with you.

Here's to the adventure!

With strength & confidence in purpose,

Brittany Sunshyne☀️

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